Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New LCD TV + basic cable = ?

im getting a new LCD TV soon. i have cox expanded cable, like nickelodeon, cartoon network, BET, etc. + local channels, like ABC, CW, etc. and no cable box. if i hook the cable to the TV, will i get digital channels?

Definition of genotype?

A genotype is what makes up your genes, what your DNA is made up of, and what types of traits you receive from your parents. As opposed to a phenotype which describes your physical appearance. No matter what anyone says, this is the correct answer. Dr. D isn't even a real doctor, so there.

Why do people say Chris Benoit shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame?

it's the world WRESTLING WRESTLING WRESTLING WRESTLING WRESTLING entertainment Hall of fame and from I know Benoit was a 3 time world champion (technically 2 but he was suppose to win the ECW title) and was one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time and he so many awesome matches. it wasn't the "who had the bloodest murder suicide" hall of fame. it is the WRESTLING Hall of fame.

My best friend/and first love just moved two days ago...across the country...i need some advice?

ive known him for 2 years. he was planning on moving to ohio after this school year, but he suddenly left to live with his mom in ohio. i live in california. i know its still so soon, but its killing me and i need to know of some way of relaxing and trying not think about it so much. its literally heartache

Spiritually speaking, what do you think about this newest ruling on Proposition 8?

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I've heard that 'A Clockwork Orange' is being re-made with Zach Efron. is this true? good move for Zach!?

If this is true - I think Zach Efron will be able to really showcase his talent and become one of Hollywoods top actors. He did amazing work in Highschool Musical, but I'm worried about him being typecast.

What do you think of Scalia's interpretation of the Constitution?

Scalia is in my opinion a very rigid almost fascist s.o.b., i don't like him in the least bit. I believe if he had his way, no one except his select few ociates and friends, family would have any freedom's or rights what so ever.

Help with the international date line?

There is something wrong, if you're leaving on the 27th at noon it's already 3:00 AM in Bangkok on the 28th, so there's no way you're going to arrive in Bangkok at 12:30 AM on the 28th. It probably is 12:30 AM on the 29th when you arrive, but you better check with your airline to be sure. You can always get a taxi from the taxi stand right outside the area called the Meeting Point. Use the taxi stand and the metered taxis there and avoid the touts that mill around the Meeting Point. The fare should be around 300 baht inc. a 50 baht airport surcharge and tollway fees and is probably the best way to get into the city anyhow, most hotels will charge much more than that. There's also a hotel reservation desk near Meeting Area C where you'll likely exit the customs area on the opposite end of the terminal from the Meeting Point if you don't already have a reservation.

I have a Major guy/best friend problem?

oh are a walking talking disaster. you need to sit in front of a mirror and get your mind right sweetie. you are such a kind and caring gurlie but you can not be everything to everybody. you need to make some real choices here as soon as you decide what you actually of luck

Help im scared!!! One eyed??? help?

Ok so I heard that one eye is the symbol of the antichrist.... does that mean time warner is anti christ cause of their eye symbol??? Im Christian justto let you know... Please dont scare me... D:

Is the clothing shop 'burton' a good place to shop for a 17 year old guy?

How do you guys see this shop? And what kind of guys does it cater for? sport/scene/indy/preppy ?? Thanks

Can I cook fresh green beans in a crock pot? If so, How long will it take to make it?

I recently cooked fresh green beans in my crockpot. Since it was my 1st time to try this method I covered them with water, seasoned them and cooked them on High overnight then early morning when I checked they were done. I changed the temperature to Keep Warm until they were served for a potluck at noon. I would recommend setting the crockpot on Low and let them cook all night then if they aren't done you can always put the temperature on High. This way it will be ready to serve whenever you need it. The consistency was like canned beans but tasted so much better being fresh. I think everyone will be pleased with this method.

Who Likes......? (Have fun)?

i like some of those stuff exept fall out boy, skinny jeans, my chemical romance but i like everything else

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Max<3 Across the Universe?

It's been a little while since I've seen the whole movie, and I can't remember that part specifically, but I'm guessing it might have something to do with the song "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" which was in Abbey Road, if I remember right...

Is gay a synonym for stupid?

I say phrases like "that's gay" all the time. Some people say its ignorant to do so but I don't really get why. I'm honestly not trying to be offensive to anyone. Is it wrong to use gay in that fasion? I mean doesn't language evolve constantly? Please don't give me links to dictionaries because honestly we all know people use gay to mean "stupid" whether Mr. Webster says so or not.

Medical school...what do you think will happen?

ok so my bf just broke up with me after 6 months of dating...we had a great relationship...i can tell that he really loved me bc he would always want to see me, was affectionate when he was with me, introduced me to his immediate family and friends, would always contact me and buy me things..the reason why he broke up with me was because he decided to go to med school in russia for 6 yrs in september....he told me that he cant do long distance relationships and its better just to end things now...he told me how he really cares about me and the last thing that he would wanna do is hurt me...and then he was like i dont know if you want to be cool with me or not....i was speechless...i didnt expect this coming from him cause we had a really good relationship...i can tell that he was upset too just by the sound of his voice and he told me that he hasnt been sleeping over this...he really broke my heart...i just want to know do you think he regrets losing me?? i was a great girl to him... will he miss me?? we used to talk everyday

Do you think im setting it up right?

That sounds good. Id suggest toys also though.Another thing if u see small blankets almost like bandanas or material they LOVE it,you can also get actual ferret blankets at the petstore. Another thing if u want to keep the smell down there's a bedding called yesterdays news its a cat type of litter thats used on ferrets and u have no smell it's amazing.Good luck!Hope u like ur fuzzy :)

My cat has recently been urinating outside of his litter box?

When a cat starts peeing and/or pooping outside the litter box, it it usually their way of letting you know that something is wrong. It's their only way of communicating. You cat needs to go to the vet.

White Backlash against Obama at my worksite, Widespread or not?

we don't talk about politics at my job but l am in the deep south and mccain got texas in the bag....

My Maclain Boiler takes a very long time to turn on and only stay on for 2 min. No response to bridged wires.?

My Well Maclain Boiler takes a very long time to turn on and only stay on for 2 minutes. It does not respond to bridged thermostat wires. This boiler has a new gas valve with a pilot lite that is always on. What should I do?

How bout them Bucks...?

if they play good basketball from no until the end of the regular season, then the bucks should have an 8th seed in the playoffs, but they would lose in the 1st round, to the cavs.............but in a few years i can see them 5 seeders or6 seeders someday, not bad, for this organization now, and for the nest few years, actually it would be great progress, amazing progress

I hate my school (racist) I want to move my mom won't?

You need to talk to a counselor.Be proud of who you are,Tell your mum about your boyfriend .She may be understanding.

Swine Flu: Huge hospital charge.?

Ok so awhile ago I was feeling really sick so my mom called her doctor and they said I had to go to the emergency room immdeiately. I went in, they asked me some questions, said I had the swine flu, and charged us $1000...isnt that a bit expensive for telling me I have the swine flu? I didnt even get tested, they just said the normal flu is NOT going around and that every test was coming back positive.

Guys and gals,help! i can't read his signals - is he genuinely interested or not?

wow can i just say something..i work in a hospital too and there is this guy who is behaving the same way this guy is what a coincident !! but the thing is he is a radiographer and i'm really infatuated with him....i just want him to be brave enough and say hie to me rather than just keeping Quiet whilst dying inside.. so my answer is DEFINITELY he likes you but he is not man enough to come and approach you...goodluck and plz can we get a feedback on what happened later,...cheers

I think i just got a bfp with dollar general hpt?

i've taken a total of 3-4 today and all of them have some kind of line on them. i just took one and there was definately a faint line there but im scared it could be the reflection of the line. it looks darker, maybe it had color bc the control line is dark purple. also when i went to the bathroom i found that i scared spotting brown. if i am i'm thinking 11dpo. does anyone have any experiences with this hpt? it's called "baby".

Snooker's number 1 John Higgins Bribery allegation. Caught on video tape. What do you make of this?

Greed it's all about greed!! as if he is not fortunate enough..if you watched him in the match against Steve davis no disrespect to Steve but come on..any person who knows anything about this sport knows something was not right!

Im 17, and my parents always say that i can't be out on the streets p midnight bcause theyll get in trouble?

I get mad because im about to turn 18, and i want to come back home at whenever time i want too. so i want to know what is the complete florida law on this? can i be out on the streets if im 17 p midnight? or can't i ? or im i allow to be out in the streets(in a car) p midnight if im 17? please help and thank you

Karma and the higher mind?

I don't think having a "higher mind" means we can separate ourselves from human emotion; I think it can help us make a decision that is based on logic and the long term instead of what will make us feel good now but that's a different matter. Watching in satisfaction simply means you had compion for the people she left in her wake. I myself have witnessed that kind of person and don't feel particularly sorry when then party ends.

Alienware Area-51 or Falcon Northwest?

Ok so ive been looking for a really great gaming computer and ive narrowed it down to these two....but which one should i get????

Why is my weight staying the same? continued from last question...?

it doesn't matter how much exercise you do if the calories are more than what your body needs you will just stay at maintenance. For example you jog 30 -45 minutes and you burn 2-300 calories if you don't monitor your calories and you eat a bag of m&ms those calories that you burned are negated because that bag that you ate contained 250 calories. Now what you need to do is monitor your calories so you can create a deficit by eating less and exercising more and remember weight loss is a gradual process aim for 1-2 pounds a week. Be consistent and patient.

How to stop my 9 mo baby from sucking her it bad for her smile?

Her tongue is too soft to hurt the way her teeth push out. Only worry about it if the sound bothers you.

Find the measure of each of the two angles.?

Home plate on a baseball field is a pentagon. If three of the angles are right angles and the other two angles are congruent, find the measure of each of the two angles.

Where can I buy TIGI/bed head shampoo and conditioner?

Either online or any chain in Fresno, California or the bay area (Oakland/San Leandro area). Not just the small single bottles, I can get those anywhere, but the big liter bottles of shampoo & conditioner that they sell together in a pack. Preferably Bed Head "dumb blonde" or "superstar".

What is worse refined sugar of high frutose corn syrup?

My daughter is a hard core Vegan, has been for almost three years. Her latest revelation is I do not eat anything with refined sugar in it,reason being that high fructose corn syrup is better for you. Is this statement true?

Story with holes!!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!! I need the answer!?

Because as the Queen and the host, it is only polite to have all of her subjects at the banquette serve themselves first. Since it was a banquette, the guests were allowed to serve themselves as much food as they wanted. By the time her last guest got his food, the Queen was starving! But there wasn't ANY food left. Therefore, the poisoned food never crossed her lips, and she was left unharmed! (but still very hungry!)

I have an episodic neurological disorder .What could it be?

the first thing that comes to mind is Arnold Chiari Malformation. The second, is MS. Have they done an MRI of your brain?

Should I buy a new gas boiler.?

I have a service agreement with my gas company, which means that they inspect my boiler every year and do any necessary adjustments etc. But they have told me that, as the compahny who manufactured my boiler no longer makes the unit and any spare parts for it , I should buy a new one. For they say they would not be able to get any spares for it if it broke down. It's about 15-20 years old, but seems to be working fine, so I'm reluctant to replace it. I realise that a new boiler would be more efficient, cheaper to run etc., but uming I do not buy a new one and it breaks down, should a good gas installer/plumber be able to get hold of the necessary second-hand part(s) to get the thing up-and-running again?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is there any legislation regarding working in an office that has no windows or natural light?

Myself and at least one other person are being asked to move into a small office that has no natural light. It is in the centre of a building opening on to a corridor. Also in the office there is a sink amd a door into a staff toilet, that also has no outside light. Therefore we will be working within hearing distance of someone using the toilet. Is there any legislation that regulates this type of thing?

Can someone please tell me which summer reading book I should choose?

I've narrowed it down to Catch-22, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Scarlet Letter, The Color Purple, and Their Eyes Were Watching God

So Yahoo Answers agrees if Dennis Dixon didn't not hurt his knee two years ago Oregon would of won it all?

You are right about Oregon winning it all 2 years ago. I truly think Oregon was the best but losing the starting QB for the season was too much. Alabama should not have even been in the game but they some really lucky breaks and no calls on flags that gave them wins. Oh well, too bad, so sad. This is why Boise State in the national champions.

Do you think buddy frankilin will kick winning goal in afl grand final?

Lance Fanklin plays for the hawks footy club. he is the best afl goal kicker. hes nick name is "BUDDY LOVE" so do you think he will win the afl grand final?

OK, a lot of people don't exactly CONDONE promiscuity before marriage. But what about...?

I don't know. But I certainly don't view marriage as "doing time". And is a "vector" for a numberof major diseases, some fatal. The latter is why, even if you do not attach any moral significance to , one should show some restraint so as not to catch and spread disease.

I'm a Malaysian student and i want to live in Japan but i have limited money?

Where is the most suitable place to start off in Japan? How much do i need to go there and settle down? What are the jobs which i can work which doesn't require any qualification?

How do you un-hypnotize someone?

My friend is hypnotized every time right after she goes to church or youth group she comes back and emails all her atheist friends hateful CONVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! letters implying that all of us are going straight to hell and she has to save us. then shes sick for like 2 days after the emails its a cycle ever since her mom converted her from biuality. i think she may be being hypnotized how do i undo it i want my friend back plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does POE stand for?

I'm filling out a police report for school, and I am unsure of what POE stands for. I'm pretty sure MO stands for motive. Also, I'm unsure what is meant by statute (located after the offense column). Help would be much appreciated.

I saw a ques on YA today,made me think. I love my wife more than my mum. I cannot live without my wifean my ?

I don't think it is very productive to try to quantify love. I also don't think what you are describing is variance in the amount of love. It is more of a statement of the natural order of things (i.e., your mother is going to die before you, you move out and go on your own...etc). It also has to do with the daily impact on your life as well. That really has nothing to do with love.

Short and sweet middle name suggestions?

One of these days your going to have to tell your daughter that you got her middle name from a stranger on Yahoo. I would go to baby name websites, especially ones that divide names by country of origin and find a short name from you or the father's heritage with some meaning. Makes for a better story.

Which is the best site for downloading english mp3 for free?

Plz help me in finding sites, where i can download nlish mp3 for free, not even registering. I know some sites like, and; but i want some other site. I do have ares but it is not working for me. Plz help me

Were can I buy 68 falcon bumpers online?

I need a front and rear 1968 ford falcon bumper. I looked on ebay, craidslist, and dont seem to be able to find any used or remanifactured bumpers. Do you know any places that sell them for sure. Please include a link.

How do I get my 2 linksys wireless n routers to work together on my home netork?

I already had an existing wireless network in my house with a linksys wrt300n but i had some dead spots in my basement. So i purchased a linksys wrt120n to put in the basement to cover withe area but i cannot get them to work together. The modem and the 300n are on the first floor with an ethernet cable running through the floor to the basement into the 120n. If i plug it into the internet input i get no signal form the router but if i but it into 1-4 inputs i get a full signal with internet connection. The the name of the network remains Linksys and i cannot access the settings to change the name or secure the network. What can i do to make them both act as 1 big widespread router?? Someone please help me i've been at this for days i think i've tried everything. I wont even mention customer service!


I like those names, especially since they don't rhyme or begin with the same letters. It kind of let's your daughters know that even though their twins they can be completely different in every which way. Good choice

We have a lot of ylum seekers here why are they petrified of my little fluffy dog?

I had a lovely Red Setter who hated Asians so I was never worried about us going into some of the "no go" areas in Birmingham. I think the real reason is, as children, they are taught to beware of all dogs as there is rabies in the countries that they come from. I know as I did ask them .

I need help with an awkward love problem!?

Just tell him the truth.. that you're already going out with someone. Also, there's no way to end the "love triangle/square." They'll get over it sooner or later. If you do, don't flirt with them.. it'll only make them like you.

What does a person stalking in the net in an anonymous forum think when she insults, har etc?

Wow, the person your describing needs help in the worse way. I would think that you could suggest to your friend that he copies everything she sends or says about him. If he does know how to get in touch with her even if she has played the victim card her family can see for themselves that she's not acting like a victim. Any woman that is married and has children is an unhappy person who could take out her problems on the kids. Your friend is an adult so at least he can take it. If her husband can't or won't stop her harment then perhaps the police could. Tell her that anyway and to find someone else to vent on. Other than changing his on line account...and reporting it to his local server I don't see any other solutions but I would be happy to help if there is anything I could do let me know. Hope you have a nice day and take care of yourself.

Do I have Swine flu ?

I have runny nose, sneezing, little cough for last 2 days. I don't have fevers (but my forehead is sometimes hot, but it goes away). Is it just the cold, or do I have the swine flu?

Okay my name is kyla and all my friends have nicknames and short forms for there names and i dont i hate?

i have the name kyla and there is no short form for that like my friends jessica is jess natalia is nat and so on... i hate it can anyone think of a good name that people can call me?

Is posting a list of couples at a school the correct action against increased public displays of affection?

seems pretty petty to me for a school official to do this. But in retaliation all the students in the school should pair up and make like they are in a relationship with another of the same gender. Then insist they all be added to the list. I suspect the principal will back off pretty fast once the whole school comes out as gay and demands they be on the list.

Should i end it and save myself the heartache or see how things turn out?

ive been going out with this guy for 3 months ( not that long) and soon he'll be moving away. He says that we'll speak and see each other and continue the relationship, but i don't see this happening at all. I know that in the long run we'll breakup and ill get really upset as i really love him. Should i just end it now to protect myself from the heartache? Or should i just see how things turn out? PLEASE HELP!! x

If a synthesis reaction takes place between potium and chlorine what is the product?

It would be KCl, because potium is in the first column of the periodic table which means it has a +1 charge. And chlorine is in the 7th column with a -1 charge. The charges cancel out and you have KCl.

She dont act like she likes me!!!?

this girl at work i like her,i know she like me she literally told me.i said can i talk to you ,i was like why sometimes you be avoiding me and act like you pushing me away,she says what do you mean,you would be the last person ii push away especially you because i actually like you.i jus i dont feel like she show it,like she dont be giving me hug sometimes jus stands there,dont flirt with me enough,but the other co-worker guys she do all that with them and,it makes me think twice i dont know.recently i had a gf she said well when yall break up keep me in ind.i broke up with my gf because she was messing around,so i told the girl at work,she didnt say nothing,i dont know.i need help should i ignore her or what,she dont act like she like me,i said call me ,she said i will,she didnt call,like does she want me to do something,told me to my face she like me,but dont even show it ;(

Make up tips for pale skin, brown hair & green eyes?

Yes my cousin is very fair and she always uses shimmer to highlight her skin as well as brown mascara and eyeliner...she envy's my olive complexion but I think she looks stunning...I personally think that dark hair with fair skin and green eyes is the most beautiful of combinations:) I think you'll look great any way you decide to go

What religion is this one it believes in something like reincarnation....?

Belief in reincarnation has ancient roots. This doctrine is a central tenet within the majority of Indian religious traditions, such as Hinduism (including Yoga, Vaishnavism, and Shaivism) and Jainism. The idea was also entertained by some ancient Greek philosophers. Many modern Pagans also believe in reincarnation as do some New Age movements, along with followers of Spiritism, practitioners of certain African traditions, and students of esoteric philosophies such as Kabbalah, and Gnostic and Esoteric Christianity. The Buddhist concept of Rebirth although often referred to as reincarnation differs significantly from the Hindu-based traditions and New Age movements in that there is no unchanging "soul" (or eternal self) to reincarnate.

Will katrina victims win there lawsuit against the government?

If Hoover Dam is not kept to par will anyone be held responsible ? Are governments economic poilicys are trash.

No free water in Prague..why??

ok.. in Prague or the Czech Republic where i live. it is not free at a restaurant. and if u ask for tap water, they look at you like you were crazy! i thinks its completely idiotic. taxes pay for that water,so if the customer wants it,he should be able to have it!

What is the best bangladeshi place to make a turism.I like best the hills surrounding sea.?

I like to see hills and sea in a line.Is there any good place to tour Bangladesh that will catch my mind?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lighted single-pole wall switch won't light up?

I installed an illuminated single-pole wall switch using the 2 black wires and the ground the outlet controlled by the switch functions correctly and also tests correctly. Also the switch is positioned correctly by top/bottom. I cannot get the switch itself to illuminate like it should I am on my second switch returned the fist to the store.

Specific age to go to a cheetah girls concert?

I really like the Cheetah Girls and I would love to go to one of there concerts,but I am afraid that I might be to old! I am 13 years old and I really don't want to be embared! Do you think this is to old?

The 10 boys - funny or not?

Have you heard the one about the girl from Es who took her 10 boys to register with the doctor. The weary-looking receptionist said "Let's start with the eldest, what's his name?" "Wayne" the girl replied. "And what's the next one called?" asked the receptionist. "Oh, he's Wayne too - in fact they're all called Wayne." "Isn't that a bit awkward when you want to call them in for dinner or something?" the receptionist retorted. "Oh, no" said the girl "they just all come at once". "But what if you want to tell them off, what do you do then"? "If I need to do that, I just call them by their surnames" the girl replied.

There is an advertisement virus on my computer and i need help removing it?

I had that damned thing too. Came in from Facebook. Anyway I tried the anti-spyware programs and they would kill it for a day, next time I powered on it was back. I finally turned my computer on in the safe mode and went back to a restore point a week or so before I had got the bug and loaded from there. That cleared it finally. Stay away from questionable websites, little known sites are notorious for giving you stuff like this. Also be careful of the emails you open, particularly anything with an attachment. Be sure the person actually did send it to you. There are programs that will copy your address book and use it to send emails from you to your contacts containing trojans, and send more to you supposedly from your contacts.

Teen and Pre-teen in PREGNANCY & PARENTING, hellooo?

yes i am 18. still a teen but also a young adult. not trying to get preg. i know what you are saying. the only reason i look at these is because i love children. i like to see what i could possibly expect in the futer. im not looking to make me want to have a baby. and yes there are ALOT of kids to you looking at this. the other day i red one about a 13 year old that says she has a 3 year old. and then there was another one waning to know how she can trick her bf to get her pregnant. and she was only like 14 i think. i agree something should change.

Will Obama sound like George Bush-lite or Hugo Chavez tonight during his State of the Union speech?

Chavz cause he's pissed at what happened in M. so he's going to yell at the people of the US and then declare himself emperor and Wa La we have a new socalist goverment!

What is this kid snack called?

they're some type of cookie dipped in either chocolate or vanilla coved w/ sprinkles. in the shape of a kangaroo or zebra maybe? not dunkaroos

The flames make a trade with buffalo?

Sabres are deep with young D, but very thin at Center. Mike Weber or Sekera are the likely candidates, and all the talk about Luke Adam is out of the question. They have big plans for him (and he is a center).

Since we're all inevitably fertilizer, is a vegetarian diet plant kingdom biased?

Since humans are omnivore creatures, exclusive vegetarian diet seems a perfect stupidity for me. It won't make us healthier, nor gives us a longer and happier life.

Jews, why does Israel no longer follow this rule?

It is not practiced for about the last 1500 years. And that prenty of muslims practice it today does not mean this or that law is not archaic. Actually, if some law is practiced by muslims it�s more of a proof that it is archaic.

Why does life have to be so crappy and full of problems when we could have made it wonderful?

In a dark mood, I agree with you. In a better mood, I can also see all the good in the world. There is evil in the world and in people, no doubt. But there is also good. It is important for our sanity that we try to see both sides.

Acording to the old saying If you build it they wil come?

So if I stoke my converted 55 gallon drum/BBQ (which I keep proudly in the front yard, next to the '78 plymouth duster on blocks) with charcoal,and hickory chips, will people bring meat?

Isotope problem.. can you answer it asap? thanks?

Silver has an atomic m of 108.868 AMU. Does any atom of any isotope of silver have a m of 107.868 AMU? Explain why.

How can a woman in her 50's know for sure if meds for menopause is needed ?

the menopause causes different symptoms for different woman some are lucky and dont seem to suffer. please look at this article its all about treatment for the menopause a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Wharton @ UPenn? Do i have a chance??

i think so. that's where i might want to go, but i am only a freshman. Also, if you plan on playing lacrosse there, they told a girl I know that it would be almost impossible for her to go to Wharton and play lacrosse.

Is my ball python tank ok?

i have a 7 month old ball python in a 36x15x15 viv with a xl exo terra waterbowl, 2 medium exo terra hides,one box hide,one large rock,2 large leafy vine type plants, a peice od drift wood a 75 watt infared bulb in a basking lamp and a 12 watt heat pad, does that setup sound ok the heat is a little bit low but im buying a digital thermometor and if that says its too low then ill buy a higher watt ul or mat,the reason i ask is because i got my python about a month ago and he still hasnt eaten, and any advice on how to thaw a mouse properly i just leave it on top of the tank next to the heat lamp but people say the mouse should be warm not jus thawed ?

Is it normal??plz help:))?

Ok so i know dis may sound kinda weird or nasty or however..sorry:// sooo....i hav dis thing or obsession or watever...d thing is i love havn lke really...its startn 2 creep me out cuz i really dont think dats normal...lke wantn 2 do it mostly all da dat normal??could it be my hormones or sumtn??i mean im jusn 16...??

Who is Rookie of the Year for the NBA NOW?!?!?

Alright, let's get this straight I HONESTLY THINK that Derrick Rose of My Chicago Bulls is going to win Rookie of the Year. For those of you who said it was going to be Beasley... I don't seriously think so. I think that he kinda slacked off this year... And Greg Oden... nuh uh. OJ mayo, i think he will round out as runner up. You guys say what you think and why now.

Help my friend is depressed what do I do :(?

My friend is gay (open just to a couple of people and not everyone yet) and has this crush on this one straight guy, and he is the person my friend fell hardest for. Everyday during lunch he just watches the guy he likes and is just in the most depressing mood and I can't stand seeing him like that I ask him if he's ok becuz I'm worried about him he, he says he's fine but u can tell that he's just saying that. When he txts me he tells me that he likes him a lot and he fells so sad and he hates himself for being gay and like this one guy. He also cries himself to sleep everynight. It's getting worse everyday to the point where he doesn't eat lunch and just sits and looks at him with his bookbag on his lap and were I can't even talk to him any more. Today at school he looked like he was about to cry but didn't and he's parents no nothing of this including that he is gay and I no i was to say something to his parents when they don't that he's gay it will just make things worse for him since their parents are very anti-gay. Wat can I do for him, I already told him I'm here for him and everything but he says he justs wants to be alone. I'm worried for him what can I do!!!! btw I'm the only person that he told that he liked willingly and some girl found out he was gay and wanted to no who he liked and made many long fb messages about how he's not saying and one of her friends ( he hates this girl) read the messages and also wanted to no and threaten to tell who he liked to her and of he didn't she will post on fb that he was gay and he ended up telling and she has told others nothing about it for all I no and btw the fb was during last weekend. Please serious answers

Immigration curiousity?

If you do not marry then he would have to get a benefit through an employer, usually a specialty occupation. He can invest a half a million dollars in a business here and get a visa.

Has anyone ever bid on a HUD home? Seems too cheap?

Granted it's FIFTHLY dirty but all cosmetic type stuff.... only major repairs is boiler and painting the outside of the house. They estimated 30,000 in repairs but the house still seem so cheap. I want to bid asking price- my Realtor wants us to try to get it cheaper.... I am little confused. Why is a hud home so much cheaper then all the other homes in the area? Is it just because it's dirty- I just don't see the big deal in that, although it's a lot of work- I can't believe the price.

Do pakistan really wants peace with india?

pakistan media says people in pakistan want peace with India.Even their government says so. then why they support terrorist organisations which is aiming to destabilize India.i believe its not kashmir or memories about partition which hinders peace talks.terrorism is the real problem.i never seen a pakistani blog or a pakistani blogger supporting peace.its hatred against india every where in internet.especially this blog and article- really hurt my feelings. its all dirty about gandhi who advocatted nonviolence throughout his life. even jinnah wont say so.i know many in india, including me wants peace with they really wants peace?

Why the heck do people like uggs?

i hate uggs. i've always hated them. they're just so uglyy!!! everytime i see my friend with a pair i point at the uggs, scream, then run away. i think they're hideous. why are they on style anyways!!! why do so many people like them?? i search uggs on yahoo answers and i get crap like "what color uggs go best with dark blue skinny jeans?". I mean seriously, who gives a crap!!! they make you look like big foot!!! whatever happened to converse or vans?? i don't see why girly girls like them so much!! uggs are so gross i can't stand it!!!! i see valley girls everyday with they're stinkin' ugg boots talking all valley girl like. it irritates me. im a tomboy who can't stand the sight of uggs cuz they're just so bleh. my question is "why do people like uggs sooo damn much?!?!"

Whats your least favorite thing about?

yahoo answers/users. actually let me rephrase this question what do you hate most about the people on yahoo answers

Oysters .............??????

I found a shell 2day and then put it in some water as my bf said it would open. Now its completely separarted from its shell. Is it still alive ?

How to stay awake...?

I'm flying to Sri Lanka (from London, UK) and I figured out that so I can actually sleep when I get there I need to stay awake all flight. The only problem is it is over night. How can I stay awake?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What should i do about this?

i think you should ask him again. don't sound pushy or like a stalker. just say like kiddingly/flirty :)

Sarah Palin's personality and religious beliefs, are they great and enough?

I am sure she is likable and bubbly. She has a big family and is an evangelical Christian who belives it's God's will to go into Iraq. But based on these merits, would anyone hire her as the CEO of a company. If not, would you hire her to run the biggest economy and military in the world? They keep saying that people should not focus on the flaws of her family, but SHE is the one making sure her family even including the little one and her daughter's boyfriend are included in every photo op and situation. I am sure they can afford a good baby sitter to keep the disabled baby at home or at least not being tossed around in every photo.

Lawsuit over hereditary disease/illness?

It certainly sounds like it. Could your bio teacher give you specific information, such as legal citation to the cases where a child had sued his or her parents for hereditary illnesses or disease and had won? I'm sure if Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen you could find that out on the internet. If not, ask for her source of information for that.

Question about 'The Scarlet Letter'?

I'm reading 'The Scarlet Letter' for one of my English cles and I'm confused about something. What are the reasons for Dimmesdale's physical deterioration? What happened to him?

What do people text about?

It is just like sending a "email" just over the phone. I can't believe you are a teenager and don't know about texting!!! LOL

My whole life i have wanted to be a singer...?

But lately... I realized that is not all I want. I want to inspire, and change peoples outlooks on life through music. I want to help people get through the hardest of times, and understand the world around them through lyrics. The fame would be hard, and my friends would never see me the same way, I'd have so much money, and yet I'd have to keep it from getting to my head, and I'd have to leave one life behind... But I am willing to take those chances to step up and change thousands, if not millions of peoples lives. My voice is steadily getting louder and thicker, I can reach a higher note everyday, and ever since I realized the dream I really was advancing on, I CAN'T get it away from me, the thought, the fantasies, the nightmares... If anyone can help me find someone who can help... I'll definitely accept. If this helps, i live in a small town in east texas, But i won't be specific. PLEASE help me get to my dream, get to nashville and to the heart of country song! Its where i want to be! Where I need to be. Please don't let me drown in my dreams! All I want to do... Is follow in the footsteps of so many singers before me, that changed my life... I want to do the same.

How can I safely clean my dog's ears?

My black lab/chow mix, BlackJack, is 14 years old and has had dermititis all his life. As a result, he often gets a lot of build-up in his ears, and will shake his head or scratch at them to try to clear them out. The vet had prescribed a solution, but it ended up worsening his condition. I need something to put on the cotton (beyond water) to clean his ears.

Why should Canada keep the Queen as our "Head of State"?

im doinng a debate for a cl. and i am for keeping the queen and the constitutional monarchy! Got any ideas ?

This is an old movie from the 70's I think?

A women is hanging out and having a dinner party with three or four men. There is a fireplace I think. They get drunk and out of hand and they get into a struggle. The women falls and hits her head. They think shes dead, they are very scared ad put her in her car into a river only to see her wake up as the car goes into the river.She was still alive. They suffer and feel guilt; her spirit ends up coming back to kill them.Her spirit only gives up when the police pull her car out of the river years later and the dead women's mutilated skeleton reaches out and then falls on the floor dead as if her spirit had been waiting to be released.

What about your last name?

where does your last name come from and how unique is it? mynes Patlan, its Nahuatl (language of the Aztecs and many more) and im a direct decendant from a Chichimeca leader

Twin siblings birthday?

Go for the different gifts. They are different people. If they have two different ones, they can share them, whereas if you give each of them the same one, they would have no reason to share. Sharing is always a good thing for children to be learning.

When I took PSAT's it was alphabetical seating. When i take the SAT's will be the same? Isn't it procedure?

I would like to know because I'm taking it at another school since mine does not offer it. I know some people that would sit near me if that was the case so please tell me what I should bring and how is it set up...seating/ rules/ clroom breaks?

Trade Help! Deangelo Williams and Donald Driver For Greg Jennings?

Don't make the trade. Greg Jennings may be the #1 reciever for Green Bay but Donald Driver gets so many more pes and for more yards and DeAngelo is an apsolute boss.

Phyzical Thurapy is ill! Anybody heard of this goup from the CHI?! They got some club bangerz!!!?

Yes! I have heard of them! I discovered of them at my high school here in Morgantown, West Virginia! My girl hadtheir songs on her iPod. They are REALLY REALLY ----- REALLY REALLY GOOD!!! Love their songzs! xoxoxo :)~

Does she like me or no??????????

okay, this this girl im kinda into. 8th grade. middle school. we webcam chat and text sometimes, not a lot, and she hits me up on facebook like its her job lol. ight well never had a girlfriend and im prude ); 14 years young. does she like me? at school she always comes to me at recess and hugs me hugs me like 2598894032 times a day lol , but i cant telllll...

How do you feel about the new actor replacing Ledger and continue Joker for Batman 3?

........Gotcha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! But here's the question, do you think this upcoming Batman 3 going to end up being **** or possibly be better than the Dark Knight?!

This is a long question but please help?

I don't know the characters from question #1, but as for your boy and his personality, I think Logan is fitting and for your girl, I'd either choose Jessa or Lindsie. Hope my comment was a little bit helpful.

How far to go, boyfriend questions?

Do want you feel is right. Do Not get pregnant. Don't get his anywhere near you unless it has a condom on it.

What could I do for an Aztec project?

I think recreating some of their art projects would be really cool. Another option would be to use their mythology to make a video or something.

Why is lil wayne the greatest rapper alive?

The male tick has a big disadvantage but found its way to get around. Lacking a , the tick uses his nose to sniff out the females . Once he has enough room, he turns around and deposits his semen. And, to top it off, he then turns around and uses his nose again to push it inside.

Scorpio rising body .. someone help me?

I know that scorpio rising body is thin and short but curvy and i'm like that but i can't get fat like i'm thin and it's very hard for me to get fat even a little bit, and i don't understand it because Beyonce has rising scorpio and her body is amazing , also megan fox and zac efron are scorpio risings , i think i have a good body but i just wanted to get fat a little..

POLL: Doesn't anybody think (Read below)?

that December 2, 2008 the biggest week of the DVD sales. Wanted, Step brothers, X-files: I want to believe, The chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The longshots, and Fly me to the moon all come out.

How many countries have IVF?

How about trying a more appropriate category than Geography - should ask this question in pregnancy or fertility (if there is such a category) - even better would be to ask about particular countries and if IVF is available there rather than to ask how many countries have it...

Greater Chicago Ferret ociation: price for ferret?

This is the closest rescue and it's pretty big just wondering if anybody has heard of their prices per ferret or bonded pair or trio... thanks!

Anyone know what sneakers Josh Radnor wears on How I Met Your Mother?

Every once in a while, Ted Mosby will wear a pair of brown sneakers with white midsoles, and I want them really bad. They look like Puma Romas, but I can't find any that look like them anywhere. I've looked at, but don't know where else to look. Does anyone know what they are and/or how to find them?

Im sick of reality! i wanna fairy godmother??? (:?

just wondering how to get one?? btw i dont want a genie cuz obviously i want more than three wishes!! any ideas on how to get a fairy godmother? also im completely serious. no joke. i need your help. now. kaythanksss (:

After Herr Fritzl in Austria...we now have not only an 'Italian Fritzl', but now, a Columbian one; What next?

Of course, despite the alleged nastiness of the latter two, they will not overtake the systematic abuse of uncle Josef - but just wondering if, in this paranoiac part of the world will people on housing estates eye up people (men, basically) and have their nudge-nudge gossip reaching the local press with them wanting an answer here and now? Talking of which - often wonder what Mr. Storey, a smiling o.a.p in number 77 does in that giant house of his!

What does guayoteo mean?

its from a Jowell y Randy song. la cancion esta bn jevi, i think its a puertorican word, cuz i've never heard that word before in dominican republic

Hey im 16 a pacifier question please?

Hey sup Im 16 male , straight is it wired for me to suck on pacifiers....? I only do it when im alone lol the reason I picked this category is cause answers told me to

Friday, August 12, 2011

Distilled water does not conduct electricity. When salt is dissolved in water,however, water conducts electricity. When sugar is dissolved in water, water does not conduct electricity. Explain this difference in conductivity for salt and sugar solutions.

What do i have to do to get a proposition on a ballot in illinois?

what do i have to do to get a proposition on a ballot in illinois? do i have to write someone? if so, who? do i need to get signatures? if so, how many? where do i find out this information? do i need certain forms? if so, where do i get these? if i need signatures, can i get them online? any information would be greatly appreciated. remember, this is in illinois.

What was the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran when Saddam Hussein's army invaded Iran ?

Tehran was the capital of Iran since 1794. Before being Tehran the capital was Shiraz but it was moved during the Qajar dynasty.

What would the world be like if the US had done everything right in Somalia in 1993?

He would have found another reason to hate us. You can't stop the inevitable. Osama had it in for us or didn't you notice?

Names with the nickname Ro without starting with a R?

Basically I need a name that would turn into the nickname Roro without starting with an R so no Roses or Rosie's etc. It needs to be a girls name too :) THANKS XX

What do you think of this name?

omg i luv the name jessa! it is sooo cute! i think it sounds sophisticated but can sound fun and girly too! =) xx

Should all the fuddie duddies afraid to go nude at the beach read this girl's account of her first experience?

I have absolutely no desire to be nude on the beach. Why anyone would want to make an exhibition of themselves like this I cannot imagine. However, so long as I don't have to go to a nude beach I don't care if other people do.

How high does your fever have to be to need an antibiotic, if you have Bronchitis?

Also, if 2 people in your house are on antibiotic for bacterial bronchitis can a 3rd person have it non bacterial and only the virus, or would it be the same bacterial version from them?

What should I wear to AFL game?

Am going to an AFL game for the first time tomorrow: are shorts and thongs OK to wear (Eagles vs Lions)

What is the best way to get from Gatwick airport to inner city London?

I know there are several options like the Gatwick express train, Southern trains, first capitol, easy bus, and the express coach. I'm hesitant to buy a train ticket as i do not know how big the airport is and how long it might take to get my luggage once I land. Generally speaking what is a quick and cost effective means of traveling from Gatwick airport to inner city London? What would you do?

Who has inherited a house, land & items in a Last Will?

First, it's better if he leaves it to you before his death. Then, you don't have to pay a "death tax" (inheritance tax). He needs to specify what he wants to leave to you, and the two of you need to go to his attorney and get it notarized and witnessed. His attorney should then hold on to the doent, and give you a copy. You need to be prepared for the fact that on acreage, the saw mill and his home, there may be large sums of property tax that have to be paid every year. You will need to employ someone to help you with this, who is trustworthy. By that, I mean someone who will not be taking large sums for himself for "managing " your accounts. You need to find out if the saw mill is profitable, and the value of the homestead, vehicles, etc. Once you find out the value, set up a fund to which the money from the saw mill will go into. That will be used to pay taxes before you touch any of the profits. Also, find out what condition everything is in. His "beautiful home" may need more repairs than its value. The same with the automobiles. They lose value very quickly unless they're clic cars (over 30 years old). It might be better to sell of some of the things and put the money into a trust fund. Decide on an amount you can draw from the account every year, and invest the rest in things like silver or gold. Don't depend on the stock market. It's too volatile, and the government will take tremendous taxes. That's the best advice I can give you.

Director and actor partnerships!?

Probably the most notable collaboration was John Ford and John Wayne. Together they made a catalogue of clic films. Wayne's breakout role in STAGECOACH to the calvary trilogy to the dynamic wartime film THEY WERE EXPENDABLE to one of the most endearing movies of all time, THE QUIET MAN.

Will I ever find someone that will love me?

I'm 15 and im in high school right now and I feel like I am going to be alone for the rest of my life. I have been told that I'm ugly and that I'm fat by alot of guys. And if I ask my friends if I'm ugly or if I'm fat they say no all the time.. They say im really pretty and that im skinny.. I dont think I am.. Everytime I like a guy my friends tell them and they always sayy ewww I would never go out with her shes so ugly. I feel like if i can't get a guy to like me now, how am I going to get one when I'm older? My friend always say to me that I'm going to find someone one day and hes going to love me, but I can't believe what they say.. Does everybody find love? Or am I going to be the only person that doesnt find love and dies alone?

Stereotypes and fears: Do both black and whites have the same regarding going in different neighborhoods?

I think when a white person goes into a predominantly black neighborhood, they get treated like the IRS; they are seen as a threat. When a black person goes into a white neighborhood, white people try to "behave" and act as PC as possible, OR they avoid the black person completely.

Mr. Drummond was such a great father. Why were all his kids so messed up ?

I dont think Mr Drummond ever ed his kids. He always threatened to but never did and thats what happens when you dont disclipline them. Remember when Arnold and Dudley were drinking wine with the child molester? That deserved a good ole fashion Southern *** whipping!

2 year relationship/ friends with benefits?

we have been in a relationship for nearly 2 years. weve grown extremely close and committed together. we arent a couple at the moment anymore, bcuz of complications, but we talk daily tons, and we see it working out together. in the time being, can we still have the benefits of together?? we used to have all the time. our relationship wasnt about , but i do love eating her, having with her and making her lose her mind! can this be possible? how can i mention it to her with out pressuring her? maybe hint it? how can i hint it? how can i flirt with her about it? or other flirt steps to bring us closer? we are in our mid twenties, and we both do drink, so maybe propsing a night out together? how can i convince her to give me one chance of a fun night out together not as a couple, just all in fun when she hasnt felt ready to see me after our break? how can i convince her to come out with me?

Ravens or broncos this sunday...why? support your anwser...?

Broncos, raven's p defense has been terrible all season, their run defense is looking suspect as well. A young QB like Flacco will struggle against a broncos defense that will confuse and pressure him all day.

Which type of potato freezes without turning soft? I have previously made beef stew for freezing and the?

This website (a href="" rel="nofollow" suggests Yukon golds, red skins or sweet potatoes. They said the waxier the potato, the better it will hold up.

What to do about false allegations of not paying child support?

If he owes child support and he doesn't pay it, for whatever reason, the child support will be taken out of his income tax return.

I need a design of this problem in Javascript?!? Arrays!!?

Design an algorithm that will prompt for and receive an employee number from an operator at a terminal. The program has to search the array of valid employee numbers to check that the employee number is valid, look up a parallel array to retrieve the corresponding employee name for that number and display the name to the screen.

Damn it Vera!!! Beijing semis, thoughts?

Ugh! Damn it! Vera, you finally get past the Italian harpie that is Pennetta after your breakdown at the US Open only to lose a 6-3 5-1 lead! How the hell do you do that!?! How did Bartoli even have the stamina to come back from that deficit? Everyone knows she is kind of chunky and has no stamina! And I miss the Vera that was super effing dominate on her way to the Australian Open finals and was playing amazing tennis at the beginning of this season! And why the hell is Dementieva SO inconsistent this year? She is losing so many matches that she should be dominating! I don't really mind the whole Peng thing since Peng beat Maria, although make no mistake I am cheering for Kuzy to murder Petrova and win the title. So I'm thinking Radwanska beats Bartoli and then Kuzy beats Petrova and then Kuzy beats Radwanska (lol, this is amazing for Sveta, 3 titles in one year after a year long drought), and as a Kuzy fan I'm going to ask: Did Kuzy just have a bad year last year, or is she having a good year this year?

When do menopause starts?

I am 46 years old and my last period was on november 7 2010. I have been regular my entire life always coming with cramps and the other stuff...Would I have been reaching the menopause state. Also my eating habits are irregulars more junk less healthy stuff, always anxious always want to eat something and worst I'm now growing a fat belly my average weight is 115-125 I'm now 137 lb. I cut my Fallopian tubes when I was 25 so is not pregnancy and also I am not active. Should I see a Dr. Periods annoy me but now I am worried.

I have a question.?

Maybe she is mental.There is nothing you can do but wait it out until graduation.I would say you might have a problem if she starts turning up in your driveway in the middle of the night.Good luck.

Difference in electronegetivity?

The difference in electronegetivity is not considered a perfect method to label a compound as either polar covalent, nonpolar covalent, or ionic. Discuss

URGENT: What the duck is up with all these LINES!!!?

Why do creationists think that public schools have to tell students that life was deliberately made by a primordial intelligence, or that people have to at least doubt evolution? What difference does it make to creationists that there are other people who accept evolution? The goal of Science & Outer Space cles is to teach educate the students about the findings of Science & Outer Space, including the theory of evolution. Creationism is just the belief that creationists have. You creationists don't have to accept everything that is taught in cl, creationist parents can just tell their kids about it at home. But in school, evolution as a scientific theory is what belongs in Science & Outer Space cl, not creationism.

Firmer Face?

My face is chubby. I want a firmer face like Hillary Duff, Nicole Richie, and Jennifer Aniston. What kind of exercises and food should I eat to get that kind of look. If you notice their faces are not puffy and have good laugh lines. Any suggestions? What about over the counter pills like multivitamins?? Points for the best work out schedule and food regime.

How to remotely open an Ltd type company in NZ?

How to open a Limited Company (equivalent of UK Ltd or US LLC) in NZ without being a resident there and preferably without even being there physically. Is it possible at all? And if yes, is there a guide how to do it, how much it costs and what obligations it creates? Maybe there are some services helping in establishing and operating such businesses?

Hi my name is rudy valentine and i will like to know how it feels to be gay?

i live in miramar in florida with my parents who also don't like me cuz im gay, but im proud no matter what u say.the school i go to is master prep academy. i love everybody i am gay. i want to feel more gay. i am fat and alone and i think i will not have again. i use to have a boyfriend named jose but he dump me. i hate people who call me gay.

Windows will not load normally or in safe mode?

I have a Dell Dimension Desktop with Windows XP Media Edition..I had to restart the computer due to cable modem with internet and it starts out loading fine but when it gets to the black screen with the Windows logo and the blue line underneath that runs back and forth it just stalls and never continues on to finish booting. I tried to restart and load in safe mode but it stalls at System32\Drivers\Mup.sys I do not have the CD to try and repair the problem (it was stolen)...Is there ANYTHING that can possibly be done to save my computer?? I have very precious pictures that I just transferred off my laptop onto there out of fear my laptop was crashing and I have yet to get them backed up to cd =( Please Please Please help me...any and all help is greatly appreciated =)

Grammar----Underline the adjective phrases and circle the nouns they qualify in the following sentences.?

(1)The puppy with black spots belongs to us. (2) The school bag with a yellow pocket is my sister's.

Driving from NYC to ATL?

well actually from ct. im gonna drive down to atlanta next week and theres a few things i need help with. first, my plan is to leave wednesday night around 9pm that way i can avoid most traffic by driving in the wee hours of night. is this a good idea? also is 95 to richmond the best route to take? and last, is this a heavily patrolled stretch of highway, if i can go a few miles over the speed limit to squeeze some time off that would help, i want to make it before 1pm thursday

AHH! How to keep bees from coming in the fireplace?

We rented a house in January and with the warmer months there have been some bees, wasps, hornets, ... all of it coming in from our fireplace! I'm allergic and it's just scary to have them coming from there - how can we keep them from getting in.


I have experienced dreaming and when i woke up it means was real. You can feel , you can see and you can talk to other people. Last thing that i was experienced of my dreams was that. I walked the place and saw houses people , then when i woke up, oh, i said that's only a dream and i did't think of my dreams anymore.Past couple of months, we hanging out of my friends and i was shocked bec. i really knew the place bec. i already been here thru my dreams. I knew already every corner on the street to where we turn and what's the next block. Do you think that is still dreams or your soul actually was walking.


Why do they not tell the truth that it is nothing but intellectual sophistry verging on mystification? To say that the hare will never catch up with the tortoise is indulging in false logic.It was the practice of the ancient Greeks to indulge in fantasies of thought and sadly the effect still continues unabated.It is not like saying that a son's age will never catch up with his father's age, Obviously the Greek philosopher did not understand that he was confusing two entities as one-that of Time and Motion. Alas for the lost genius!!!!

My exboyfriend exgirlfriend keep on callin me wat should i do?

me n my x brake up he call me we been talk n but havent got back 2gether but now his ex keeps call n me block i try 2 ask him y he giv his ex my num he say he never even talk 2 his ex about me if that were true y does she kno my number i never met her b -4 how does she kno about me i know hes lying 4 n he lies n say he never tell nobody about me but his friend kno my name can yall tell me wat 2 do.

Rumor that i like this girl?

theres this girl in my science cl who i like but no1 knows. me and diss girl wuld talk for da whole cl. my friend told me that she liked me cuz she wuldnt talk n a cl she has w/ him but wen she w/ me shell smile, find various reasons 2 talk 2 me, smile alot, stare me n da eyes wen we talk, stare at me wen im turned around, make noises wen we rnt talkin so id turn around and talk 2 her, lean n wen talkin, feet pointed at me, wed mildly flirt also. she gave me her number and i told her id call den wen i gonna walk off she started talkin 2 me me 4 no reason, couple days later i told her she was my motivation playin bball she did a lil laugh and said yeah right but was smilin(don't kno wat dat was about). i called her and she didnt pick up. then she said she go sleep erly. i called a couple dats ago and didnt pk up so da yesterday i hear dat goin around dat i like her but i never told her i liked her(im scared to talk 2 her like dat cuz she really cute and 2day i herad agin hlp.

Are we really compatible???? please help!!

These two air signs complement each other as a couple. Both must have freedom to explore their many commitments and outlets. Both are flirtatious-Libra shamelessly so-but Gemini will be a little more subtle with his come-ons. Neither is threatened by the antics or personality of the other. ually, Libra will guide and create pion and romance in luxurious surroundings, to the delight of Gemini. These two have everything going for them. Both love to dress to the nines, bc for both image is everything. And both have a tendency to shy away from a commitment. If these two can settle down and slow down, this dynamic duo could create a serious and happy life together! Good Luck!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm not allowed another rat!?

It is a slow process but you have to keep pushing, also if you contribute to pay for the rats and food and water, maybe you can get them to let you have more.

Moving to New York.?

Im moving to the US for a year to do business but I wont be employed so I wont have a social secuirity number but I will be able to show funds of over $100,000, will I be able to show proof of funds instead of a social secuirtiy number to be a co signer of a lease?

Why is my girlfriend doing this? 10 points?

ok so my GF and i are both 15 and have been going out for 3 months now. we started out as really good friends until i asked her out and she said yes she liked me cause i was "sweet and funny". we sometimes go to each others house and she almost always wants to cuddle on the couch she says im her " big cuddly teddy bear". she also likes to sit on my lap shes says im soft and comfy and she said to me "Santa Claus has got nothing on you" i thought that was funny and she likes it when i carry her on my arms. anyway im 5'8 and 255 pounds so i know i am fat, but i am perfectly happy with who i am. and shes not fat at all she is a small girl shes 5'0 and im going to guess around 100 pounds, and she is super gorgeous. we sometimes playfully tease eachother about our size like i will tease about how short she is and she will tease about my weight but we both jave high self asteem and we know were just kidding. the only thing im curious about is when ever we hug and kiss she likes to grab on to and hold my fat rolls and love handles like yesterday when i came out of baseball practice and she came out of tennis practice she did that while we were hugging and kissing or last weekend when us and a group of friends went to the beach (we live in L.A btw) and beleive me she looked hot in that bikini and i went with swimming trunks and my shirt off i though oh she is not gonna like what she sees but i was wrong she lit up when she saw me and we hugged and kissed and she did the same thing grab on to the rolls and love handles, also while we cuddle she likes to squeeze and rub my belly. really dont care that shes doing this. if anything i like that she does that feels good i guess. i guess im just curious. her past BF have been averaged sized, or muscular 6 pack guys, but she has only gone out with these guys for like a week and then they broke up those relationships were over right after they started and we have been going out for 3 months. im like her first big bf.

Question for Catholics?

I am not Catholic nor have I studied the teachings of the Catholic church in depth, specifically, the Vatican. My question is to Catholics that preferably know the in's and outs sorta speak regarding Catholicism. The question is, what is the Catholic religions stance on slavery, and does the Vatican hold the same view. I ask this because in the mid to late 1700's the view of slavery existence was acceptable within Catholicism (if I am not mistaken). Has there been any new doentation added or a possible citation of the current view of this matter. Note, I am not interrogating views or that of any religion, it is rather a question of inquiry into facts. Please do not post if you are unsure, I would rather have no posts than than inaccurate posts. This is an informative question, please to EVERYONE keep this one post free of opinion.

Filed Restitution of conjugal rights?

My wife went for delivery in Feb.07 and blessed with baby boy in April 07. When we went to bring her back in Sept.07 she refused to come and asked me live separately which denies immediately. After that I tried to talk to her through her relatives, Once I went their but she heavily quarrels. I wrote detail letter to her but no use finally served notice and she also replied back with serious allegations. Now I have filed restitution of conjugal rights in sept.08. First date in court was in January. Now she has filed Interim Maintenance. She also given written say to RCR(restitution petition) and mentioned dowry,physical and mental torture. What should I do? It will take at least 1 year for hearing in court. She knew that she will not able to prove allegations because for her selfishness (to leave separately) she did this. Now my mind is to withdraw RCR and file divorce case on grounds 2 years separtion from Feb 07 to Feb 09 occured already. Because she has not shown any sign to come back. She might be working there. What should I do? Should I talk to her and ask for mutual consent divorce otherwise it will worsen the situation.

Why can't China supply themselves with the tents they were asking for...?

It's a very sad case what happened to the Chinese people during the recent earth quake. Millions remained homeless and the Chinese governement was asking nations for millions of tents to provide temporary shelter. However, most of the tents imported into the US and in many parts of the world were mostly made in China. So instead of shipping the product overseas and then asking to donate them back, would it not be quicker and more practical to simply supply the victims with the product mostly manufactured in their own country?

I just raced!!!!!?

well i have a 97 ford probe and i just raced it wit a 97 honda civic i won and it went fine but wen i was leaving the parkin lot i peeled out and i got disrtacted and let my rpms go beyond da 8 and the red part......i drove it home fine but i kinda noticed that i get to fourth gear pretty quick..i drove it home fine but i dnt know if i should worry PLZ HELP!!!! and i just drove it and it drives fine the only thing that when i shift from 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3d i dnt remember but it like jumps a u guys think i damaged sumting??

What was your most goriest injury?

I was on my bike (inexperienced!) and I was riding it around the streets when I was 11. I went down this smallish hill thing (well, not a hill exactly, as it was made of tarmac, and there were houses on either side) and at the end of this hill were some cars. I started pedalling, lost control. I was gonna die that day, I swerved the bike at the last few seconds. I would have crashed into the cars, and headed towards my grave in 24 hrs. I managed to kill my hand, the layers of skin were completely disintegrated and I could see my muscle. Disgusting.

Why has someone called me a chauvinist pig ??

Cad posted a blog tonight on his marvelous, and quite fantastic 360. Someone informs me I am a chauvinist pig .... I am in shock... First they steal my orange badge... Then I am insulted !!

What the hell is Da Vinci's Armageddon?

So suddenly Da Vinci has an end date for when the world will end, joining the Myans???? I think when 2012 is over, Da Vinci's Armageddon will be the new date set for the end of the world and people will make money out of it like they did to deceive us about 2012. Who's next Dalai Lama????

Can you tell me some longest spellings in english with their meaning?i want some long spelling words?

the words with obvious meanings will be preferred please don't give technical words with technical meaning i want words whose short spelling synonyms are used in common language?

What Christian songs are good?

I am wanting to put Christian songs on my IPOD. What are some good songs that I would like. I have steven curtis champan,Jars of Clay,Nicole nordamen. Michael W. Smith. Any other songs that might be good to put on my IPOD before I go some where tomorrow?

18 month old not talking?

Yes you should be concerned. It's not normal for a child to not walk until 15 months mine started at 9 months. She is definately behind developmentally. A one year old should be making an attempt at talking. My daughter just turned two and knows 40 words and counts to ten. By one she was pointing and naming things. You should talk to your pediatrician she probably needs to see a specialist.

Requirements for a live guitar performance?

I need to perform a live guitar with my band members(4 including me) at my school's farewell day. Although There are speakers over there I don't believe in them. No one knows when it works and when it doesn't. Thus i'm planning make all arrangements for my live performance at my school from my pocket. As a self taught guitarist i don't know any thing with respect to sound. Our band owns a Simple elec. guitar, Gnx 3000, a elec. b, a keyboard. All necessary arrangements hav to be made by me. Hence for an audience within an area of 60ft by 60ft square what things i need to hav. and please explain me the things to be bought and its settings.

Are you a young Brit living in NYC? I need advice..?

I think most Brits in the New Yprk generally work in banks and for law firms they have degrees...You would have to get a permit I think...have u thought of camp america etc??

What one would you buy? Animal lovers question?

I would say the first one! Because it breathes, and also because you can't view the other one, I'm not quite sure. But I looked around the ebay website, and this one looks most realistic! :)

Where can I buy a fire alarm drafting stencil?

I would call the item a "drafting template" or "drawing template." Try searching with those terms. If you can't find the one you want, a general electrical template might have some of the symbols you need. If the one that you like is no longer made, you might try eBay. Pretty much everything turns up there sooner or later. You might call Wheelock. The item was probably custom made for them for internal use and/or as a marketing promotional item. They may not offer them for sale, but the right person might give you one.

I'm a newbie so pardon me if its silly,how the share prices are increasing or decreasing..who is behind this?

I'm a newbie so pardon me if its silly,how the share prices are increasing or decreasing..who is behind this?

How would CaCl2 (aq) + NH4OH (aq) react?

It's for a precipitation procedure in heterogenous equilibrium. I've searched and found that these are actually products of Ca(OH)2 (s) + NH4Cl, so I'm more confused. In the experiment, there was no precipitate after centrifuging, and 4M NH4Cl was added to the mix. (Actually, if this reaction were in equilibrium, it might have been easier to explain... but... yeah, apparently it's not.)

What exactly are skid boots?

Skid boots fit around the fetlocks of the hind legs, providing extra protection for the back of the fetlock joint. These boots are essential if your horse participates in a sport where his rear fetlocks are likely to come in contact with the ground and abraded--for example, during sliding stops in a reining pattern.

How do I put a formula in Excel 2007 that will count days?

I am trying to put a formula in Excel that will give me a countdown of days. For instance, put a day of 5/28/10, I want excel to count 5 days after that day. What I am trying to do is get Excel to tell me when follow up is needed on an item.

Cat with URI not eating very much?

if its plain chicken it should not bother him. however some people are against people food for animals. Talk to your vet he should be able to help you more than anyone on yahoo answers. I feel sad for your kitty. I hope he feels better soon. keep your chin up things will get better.

Thoughts on backstreet boys song pda?

It's an alright song i guess. but i think they could have replaced it with better songs like "Fallen Angel" or "Trouble" or even "On Without You"

Wisdom teeth, swelling??? tongue>>Help?

Any swelling from an extraction can last from a couple days to a week. It is normal considering you had them out two days ago. Give it time to go down. If the tingling does persist see your doctor again.

Are the Presidential candidates' wives fair game?

I hear the liberals attacking conservatives since the conservatives are using Michelle Obama's words against her. I hear conservatives voicing their displeasure on some of the things being said about Cindy McCain. When is this fair, and when should the media and the opposing parties back off?

Where to find printable car manual?

where can i find a printable manual of how to install an altenator on a 1993 ford probe? or just somewhere online that says how to install it?

How did Cortes affect Mexico? (What were the impacts of conquering Aztecs)?

You should listen to the song "Cortez the Killer" originally by Neil Young, but redone by Built to Spill (i guess Dave Matthews did a cover too but BTS is better)'ll tell you all you need to know.

Ripstik vs Skateboard?

OK, don't get the ripstick. I had one and now i just use it to Ollie over with me skateboard. It's a piece of crap. And skateboards are much easier for tricks and riding. You can ollie and kickflip, and all that great stuff. Ripsticks are very hard to learn how to do tricks on. I can ollie on a skateboard but not a ripstick. So yeah, don't waste your money on a ripstick and get a skateboard.


ok so on the almay site it is light pink with navy and silver but then i look online at target and it shows a purple with a dark blacky color and a dull grey!!! i dont get it!!! is it just the website ?or when i get to target will it be the purple instead of pink?? im so confused.. help!!! i only want the pink one because purple does not bring out blue eyes!!! help!!

Can you help me find all the literary devices in this song(personification,simile,me…

Ok so the rope is a metaphor. Could be that the rope is what is keeping him attached and he wants to let go so he can move on. "and I need you like a heart needs a beat" that's a simile, because it is using like to compare to things, in this case, himself and a heart. "I loved you like a fire red", that's imagery, he is describing his love for this woman, red fire making his love sound pionate and bold but now it's "cooling off" if you will, because it's turning blue. Hope this helped! There's plenty more in there if you look.

Could somebody help me find out how much this guitar is worth?

Sorry can't find anything relating to that number but on trawling various guitar sites it seems the performer range started at around $200 so if your parents not going to just give you the guitar I would suggest maybe $200

Why did my female rabbit die so suddenly?

Do cats have access to your garden?If they do they could of tried to attack the bunny and made her really stressed .Rabbits can die of stress.

Swine Flu Vaccine and Underlying Health Issues?

I take immune suppressant medication and am booked in for the swine flu vaccine tomorrow afternoon but am getting a little concerned over any possible side effects, my mum has asked me not to have this done after hearing about someone who reacted badly to the vaccine and ended up in hospital, i would love to hear from people who have either had the vaccine who have health issues and those who haven't.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should i change myself?

just say "i'm sorry i cant hear you" and they will automatically speak louder and clearer for you.

Was I or Am I Being Taken Advantage Of / Being Screwed Over?

I did a music video for a small production company and a label signed band, which was directed by a director who's previous work had appeared on MTV. Myself and one other actor were featured in the video. I never signed a release form or anything actually, though it was understood that I wasn't going to be paid to be in the video. However, I was never told that there could be a chance for profit after the video would be made. I was also never told that the video had been completed (did the video in June 07, it aired online in Sept 07), even though I was promised a hard copy. The video is on the production companys site, youtube, and my boyfriends sister just saw it aired in American Eagle. Apparently, the label is also creating a music video compilation featuring the video (to be sold). Do I have any right to ask for a share of the profit? Am I being exploited? If so, what do I do? If not, why not?

Where can I buy a West Highland terrier puppy in North East England?

I am looking for a white Westie, anyone know where i can buy one? i live in Newcastle but will travel as far as Yorkshire, Leeds, Bradford or thereabouts. (and it's for life, not just for xmas)

Should i start Ryan Grant or Mccoy?

Westbrook is inactive now, i have AP, so he's a no brainer start. But Mccoy might tear it up vs KC, and st.louis held portis pretty well last week. Who should get the start?

How to prove your jewish to a rabbi question?

if a person needed to prove their jewish to a rabbi via birth certificates could that rabbi just look up the people to see if they are related to a confirmed jewish person?

Blocking spam?

Hi there, everyday I get 4 or 5 emails saying that I have won lotto or some form of money, they come from different peoples addresses and I spam them everytime but cant get them stopped because they always come form different peoples email addresses, I also have emailed them back to ask them to stop, I cant change my email address as its a work address, how do I stop them??

Proactiv refing mask??

I just stopped using proactiv and i was wondering if the refining mask works. i kinda used it before but then i stopped. should i leave the mask on all night and how would i wash it off in the morning? rinse or cloth?

Does toasting bread make it more healthy?

White bread has refined bleached flour, which is bad. But when you toast it, does it make it better for you somehow?

Still single at there hope?

Ever since I have been a teen, I have always wanted to be married and have a family. I know most people want this, but I am one of those people who don’t mind settling down and can be attached to one person everyday. However, I have been in only two short term relationships my entire life. Now that I am out of college and only have a few (married) friends, it is hard to meet people my own age and still single. I even don’t really spend that much time with my married friends anymore cause they only have time for me when their significant other is out of town, so I’m alone a lot of the time. I feel like giving up hope and believe it won’t ever happen. Dating sucks cause it’s like going on an interview and it’s hard to get to know a person without being around them a lot of the time (like I was with people in college). I’m not promiscuous or anything of that sort and never liked the idea of hooking up with multiple people. Am I doomed?

Is my business LLC or Partnership?

My husband and his friend are starting a new small business. We filed a SS4 form as a LLC, but the defaulted us to a partnership. We tried to open a checking account in the companys name today and they told us we need a Certificate of Limited Liability Co. So what do i do, should we be getting that in the mail or do i tell the bank its a partnership, when LLC is in the company name? im so confused!!!


It may not be easy, but I think there are many ways to dress with skirts and dresses which are longer, yet are still quite fashionable. I don't know about the winter thing. That I wouldn't like, but I guess you can find ways to deal with the cold. I personally think that behavior is more likely to show disrespect than clothing, unless the clothing is really that skimpy. In which case, you're not doing much to have self-respect, either.

How does my chart look? please help !?

Possibly... it's mimicking the same pattern as a previous cycle though, so I think you need to see what it does over the next few days. Good luck!

I betrayed my boyfriend's trust, how can I make it up to him?

I've been in the same situation, but with a different outcome. It seems to me like your boyfriend loves you until he finds someone better, which isn't a good thing. This is something that you need to think about. It was wrong of you to test him like this, but it was also wrong of him to become interested in another girl. I think the best thing for you two to do is take some time apart and think about things. That way, you two can see what it's like without each other and figure out if you're going to work through this.

Men friends are they right?

If men approach you because they originally wanted a relationship and you don't is it wrong to keep them as platonic friends? Or is it best to push them out of your life. I have been honest about how things are strictly platonic but I have a feeling that they are sticking around for ulterior motives. Can men and women be friends as well?

Swimming pool ruined?

I emptied my pool out back in November. Last week I started to drain all the rain water that was collected in the pool and acid washed the entire pool. Then I filled it back up with water and it looked picture perfect. Then when I turn on the pump, dirty looking, almost coca cola colored water start pouring out of the waterfall. The entire pool is hazed with this now. Will I have to drain and refill? Or will shock treatment clear it up and make it safe again?

Clock on my Worcester boiler is very loud?

Hello my Worcester boiler is about 20 years old we have always operated it from the thermostat control manually as the clock never seemed to work the boiler broke down and the British gas engineer fixst it we have had a service contract all that time .but this time he must have fixst the clock its very loud how do you turn it off its getting our nerves.

Is hitler the first antichrist?

Hitler was more like a weak version of the Old Testament Abrahamic God that Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship and fight over.

Is it true that Antarctic explorers only wore 3 layers on expeditions in -20F.?

I was told they only wore a long sleeved wicking type shirt, a fleece and a cagoule on the top when they were pulling their sleds. Is this really true.

Are cat vitamins harmful to a dog?

No the dog will be fine. I wouldn't worry about it at all. Its a vitamin.. if nothing else the dog might gain nutrients from it. The reason they have separate vitamins is because each animal might need a different amount or variation of vitamins.

I let her in.. now she doesnt want to leave?

A week ago, my friend came crying on my doorstep. She had just left her abusive relationship in which she was living with a boyfriend. Well, she is crying and tells me that she has no where else to go. I tell her that she can stay at my house until she gets on her feet. (She has no money saved, no family or other friends that she can go to). WEll she has made herself very at home and I already tried to tell her, this is not permanent and I just want to help you out while you save and get on your own feet. WEll the day I told her that~ she got upset. She thought that she could just live with me forever. She is a good friend of mine but I already feel taken advantage of~ she is always around and wanting to borrow my clothes and other things. I have asked that she try to conserve (MY) energy and she is very wasteful. Anyway, I just want to be nice but tell her that she has to a certain day to GET OUT! I want my space back! Oh and I am also very annoyed that she has not made any effort to go find a job! Seriosly~ Im not a freaking homeless shelter, nor do I have $$$ to support her!

Fantasy Football Week 15 WR Help!?

I have been expecting a big game from Greg Jennings and I am starting him. Smith is a more solid option but Jennings may follow through with a reward for you :)

How to put a hand-drawn pig on a large quilt square just like my grandmother did it. Won't fit on computer.

Making a large quilt with my own pig drawn on paper. How to get the pig on the quilt square, which is too big to scan on computer. I just want to draw each pig on like Grandma did. Is transfer paper still available?

Christians, since your god states he is the way, the truth, and the light, why does Lucifer mean light and ?

lucifer is just a name,Jesus statement was a statement,you can name your kid lucifer and it would mean the same thing

Boy Friend brings up a old flame every now and then?

he's jealous and insecure. plain and simple. he wants you to keep reuring him that you don't. I wouldn't feed into it; that would drive me nuts.

In 2008, we had a very exciting presidential election. During that time, we had many surveys out there that s?

political races have always been within a few percentage points, its just who ever gets that 1% over the other get all the votes and thus the winner gets to call it a land slide. the in the other court this november and the volley is gonna be fun to watch.

Racism in southrn texas? against mexican people!?

ok, im white and i used to live in kansas city. I recently moved to a smaller town (about 60,000) in Texas. i was friends with ALL kinds of people, i was just so used to everyone kickin it for the most part lol. It is VERY diffrent here, i go to a public school and there are no black people.. only mexican and white. The white kids dont even talk to the mexicans! Its like 2 diffrent schools in one!! i didnt know this still went on! the white kids are very rude and racist toward the mexicans.. in kc this would never fly, they would woop that a s s.. but they dont say anything here!! is this normal or are these kids just racist bigots? its so strange to me that you can drive 7 hours from kc and be in a place like this !!

The speakers in my car aren't working?

ok i just got a new 1991 Honda prelude and it has after market speakers in it and there's two tweeters up from but when i play a CD the tweeters work but the same sound comes out of the back speakers to and there is also one amp in the back of the car that has two plugs just laying there but there's no place for those to be plugged into pleaz help i really want my music

Is it legal to 'play' with your car by "putting your pedal to the metal" as long... question cont. in detail.?

No its not illegal i dont even know how its possible to not go over the speed limit if the pedal is to the floor but the only thing you would have to worry about would be accelerating to quickly my friend got pulled over cause he did that and the cop said it looked like he was racing so you just gotta be careful.

How can you connect to a network using a laptop wireless?

Basically, I brought a laptop ( Advent 5612 ) and its a wireless connection to the internet and my brother has a PC and his network is called Belkin so I clicked on it and it said I needed a pword. He said he didn't add a pword. There's is also others to choose (next door neighbours internet) but I also need a pword. Is there any other way to connect to the Internet?

Is Manny Ramirez Clutch?

im starting to like baseball and i like manny hes my fav player but i wanna know if hes a clutch player?

Should I start to buy games for my PC instead of Xbox 360?

i dont know. i have call of duty 2 for pc, and i'm starting to play it more and more. i like it because there are a lot of cool maps and mods that you can play. i've seen videos of a mod on cod4 for pc where you can actually play paintball. its crazy-- youtube this ****. the only bad thing is that i cant play on live with my friends anymore. i know that i can like, message them or something like that because of windows live but i liked playing with them. i know that i can always still play with them when i want, but i'm asking if i should buy new games(actually, nvm- CALL OF DUTY GAMES) --i have other games besides call of duty's but i like them on xbox).. let me rephrase my question. Should i buy call of duty- modern warfare 2 for xbox or pc?

Help!! need a kennel club name!!?

I'm Getting a chocolate and tan er spaniel in 3 weeks time and the breeder wants me to name her on the KC papers. She is a typical show type and i will be doing a few small shows with her just to prove she can do it really. Her Pet name is going to be Bella because at the moment she looks very much like Beast out of the disney clic beauty and the beast =) We live on a street called Clover if that helps. complete stuck!! need help quickly have to decide by tomo morning eek!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Should You Exfoliate Your Body Everyday?

I know most people say you should exfoliate your face once a week using a scrub, but is it okay to exfoliate your body everyday using an exfoliation mitt?

What lens is best for live bands on a Nikon D60?

Hey guys, I've recently bought a Nikon D60 and I love it :) I took it to New York the next day with the lens it came with (18-55) and it was fab (would have got a long lens had I had more time). But I am interested in taking photos of my boyfriends band. Which lens should I buy? x

Will brett favre go to the vikings?

im tired of all this talk about retiring and unretiring. dont get me wrong hes one of the best quarterbacks of all time,but he needs to make up his mind

Spaceship crap......?

You are traveling in a spaceship in outer space, where there is no air. Another spaceship speeds past you. Does the spaceship make a sound? Why or why not?

I have Sirius satelite radio in my car but I want to buy a new CD player for my car that is iPod and satelite?

ready. The question is, Is it possible to switch the player from the one I already have to the built in CD player for free? or would I have to pay for a whole new radio? I have like 1 year already paid for, so I dont want to pay for another

What is this all about?

On twitter I read something Randy Jackson said. He said that he stands behind his family and that the allegations against his nephew were 90% wrong...what happened?

Which would you rather go to?

So hard! I would say Choice A....prior to DGD's vocal change. I'm a huge DGD fan especially because of Jonny. Now hearing them would just really get on my nerves. So I'd go with Choice B. But whichever you go to I'm sure it'll be great.

My mum doesn't let me be independent?

She's worried about her baby growing up and not needing her anymore. Perhaps ask her if you could dinner once a week as a treat for her. As for the bus stop, she just wants you to be safe. Reure her, as weird as it sounds just say to her that you would give her a call once your on the bus so she knows that you're safe and sound. So just so her affection but also ask for a bit more freedom, you still need her but at 15 you need your own idependence

Please figure this crossword question?

Some additional information would be nice. Are there any other words that cross this one/do you know what any of the letters are? Is it a themed crossword/what cl is this for? Help me help you. lol

What are some propositions that have withstood the test of time and are central to all psychodynamic theories?

Here's one proposition that have withstood the test of time and may be central to all psychodynamic theories: Let me be intimate with you.

How can I tell if I'm UGLY?

awww babe don't listen to the rat or whoever that is... do you come off as too intimidating or y or something like that?? i'm sure you're not hideous, just check your approach/how you present yourself

How do I get over this pain and confusion and embarrment?

I read recently that love acts on the brain in the same way drug addiction does. I don't think this was actually love -- more like infatuation, but anyway, it sticks with you. You feel like if you can just get his love in return you'll feel good again. The same way a drug user keeps looking for the next fix. So now you're in withdrawal. Part of you knows he's not good for you (that's the relief) but another part of you still thinks there's something you can get from him (that's the sadness). Make an effort to keep him out of your thoughts. Don't contact him at all. Don't go checking his facebook page. In time the feeling will get less and less until you can't remember why you were so crazy about him.

Need help on what this movie is?

its called "look whos' talking" with john travolta and i for got the ladys name .... but she really famous too.

POLL: JBL Is The Best Commentator For WWE Haha I Love His Bashing :)?

JBL was so funny on commentary and he was a good wrestler in the ring and on the mic all around.He should get into the Hall of Fame soon.

The Girl Can't Help it!?

I recently heard a new pop/Hip hop song with a chorus with the lyrics "the girl can't help it" not sure if it was Fergie or not.

Top gear sunday 7th october?

what was all the jokes about jeremy clarkson on sundays top gear? has he been caught doing something at the roadside or something?

Who should i start? Jackson, Welker, Stecker?

I know that Stecker is not a big name, especially compared with Jackson, but if you watch what he has been doing the guy is for real. He is running like a mad man. Read the local New Orleans papers online. See what they are saying about him............I would go with Stecker and feel good about it.

True or false: The molecule I2 has a lower melting point than Cl2?

It's false because Cl2 is a gas at room temp and I2 is a solid. This is because I2 has stronger dispersion forces than Cl2. I2 is larger and more polarizable so it has stronger induced dipoles that hold it together.

Should I bench Houshmandzadeh in Week 7?

T.J. is going against PIT, 3rd best ranked p D. Mason is facing the Dolphins, which are 29th. Housh is coming off an injury and won't have Palmer behind center. I'd definitely go with Mason, especially if its a PPR league.

My 7 yr old was served raw chicken and accidentally took 2 bites...what do I watch for?? Or do??

I am concerned that she may have ingested something harmful, she stated this chicken tastes funny, at which point I said let me see that, and noticed it was RAW. We were out to dinner at Applebees, and I alerted the manager, but my main concern is her health. What should I be watching for?

Does it matter if a girl uses a guys snowboard?

I want to learn how to snowboard this winter. I don't know how far i'm going to go with it though so i didn't want to buy one. My brother snowboards and he has a old one thats still good, and he said i can use it. Does it matter that i'll be using a guys board?

Which season is this Family Guy episode in?

It's the episode where Peter invites a guest over for dinner because of his promotion, and they all sing "So Long Farewell" from The Sound of Music?

I would like to know more about simple staining techniques for grade 8?

I am teaching them how to use the microscope, and that we can prepare both wet and dry slides to look at under the microscope.

Why was Rosie Huntington-Whiteley voted the number 1 iest woman of this 2011?

I must admit she is very beautiful, but I think there are many other women who are more deserving of the title (e.g Natalie Portman, Taylor Swift, Megan Fox, etc.)

Is this food poisoning? The flu?

Earlier today, my 18 yr. old ate some old cooked chicken that had been in the freezer for a long time. About 6 hours later he began to have lower abdominal pain. Later in the day, the pain subsided but now he has muscle and joint pain, a headache, and is running a fever. No diarrhea, no vomiting, no nausea. Could this be food poisoning anyway? I know it can begin as soon as 30 min. after ingesting contaminated food and it can cause a mild fever, but without the other typical symptoms I'm wondering just what he has.

What to do for my 18th bd?

Hey, im a girl and i will be turning 18 on the 21st of january. I live near Colorado Springs but i can also go up to Denver. I would want to invite around 30 ppl but my family is not very wealthy. So, do you guys have any ideas of where i could go or what i could do for my bd party that is reasonable and really fun?

What stores in New York, New York sell real UGG boots?

I want to know what stores in New York, New York sell real UGG boots. I prefer the stores to be kinda close to Broadway.

How long before a baby finch can fly away from the nest?

i have a bird house and i think it might be the same birds again this year, but they had babies, and they just started chirping the other day so i was wondering how long before they will leave the nest?

Are the 2010 earthquakes linked to iceland's volcano eruption?

No, not even a little. These things are taking place thousands of miles from one another, on totally different plates and types of plate boundaries. They are completely unrelated.

Old cartoon I used to watch...?

I remember when I was younger (80's) I used to watch this cartoon about a brother, sister and their dog who are playing with a ball or something and they go through a mirror and end up in another seems like the ground looked like pillows or quilts. And I think one of them turns to stone some how. Does anyone know what the heck I am talking about? I swear it was called snuggles or something. I don't really remember but would love to find it some how.

What is IMS ? It has something to do with learning content...similar to AICC?

yes, it is a learning content spec/standard similar to aicc or scorm. please see below for more info...

Is there a way to repair a botched air restrictor mod on a Nerf Gun?

take wire or br rod if it is that your dart is stuck in the back of the turret otherwise I have no idea what your problem is can you try to be more specific of what is happening with your gun

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is there any chances of getting into uni with low points?

Why put yourself through unnecessary stress. If you are already struggling to reach the basic standard to enter uni, think how much harder it is going to be when and if you get there. Look for another route to achieve your goals; one which will not involve another 3 years studying, major debts, and no guarantee of a job at the end of it.

Are there any Christian groups out there that are conservative theologically but politically liberal?

What I am looking for is a group or movement of Christiants that are conservative theologically, like they believe Christ is the one true way to salvation but also are more Democratic than Right Wing Republican. Are there any Pro-Life Democratic Evangelical groups or Progressive Christian groups that are NOT liberal theologically?

Whats the name of that navy blue puma hoodie worn by sam pill (noel clarke) in adulthood?

and does anyone know the name of the boxfresh varsity jacket worn by trife in kidulthood its got leather sleaves.

Is the frequency of earthquakes increasing? Is the media intentionally not reporting on quakes?

Earth quakes are increasing in frequency. I see a headline about earth quakes all the time. They aren't trying to hide it.

How did adam and eves children have kids? They were two males after all?

They had two kids both guys, and last I checked two guys cant have kids together and god doesn't allow people to be gay as well. I also heard that they 56 children? really? is that possible? did menopause not exist back than? and wouldn't all their kids be messed up because of ?

Mormons, doctrine and covenants question?

Everyone will be given a chance to hear the gospel before the final judgment. If they decide not to accept it, than they cannot get into the highest kingdom of Heaven. Also, the same personality you have when you die will be the one you have in Heaven. We are not going to magically change into a better person just because this life is over.

Is what we have had a lot?

i had a pop tart and trail mix and walked 2 miles and swam for like an hour. and my bf did the same excercise and had 2 pb&j's,spaghettie and garlic toast mountain dew, will i or him lose weight? or what? oh and we are both 15 by the way

Could someone help me to cut down my Grad School purpose statement to about 2 pages, (it's currently 4-5)?

if you want to cut this down, try starting with the questions then to the main point, that will reduce sentences, hence. less gobbledygook. ^_^

Why are all of the black firemen in New Haven Conn. functionally illiterate?

The same reason they are in every other metro. Liberals constantly lower the bar for them, so their never challenged to learn and grow. God bless.

Wildlife photography?

Does anyone know how to become a photographer for national geographic or something like that? I always thought that it would be fun, and I am really in to photography. Any info on the topic would be great! Thanks!

What should I say in a personal loan to a friend to make it legal?

I have bought a computer for a close friend to use for school work and work stuff. I told her that she can use it but that if something happens that we decide to separate and not be friends any longer for whatever reasons, that it is still mine and will go with me. I told her that I was going to write something up and have her sign it stating this but want to make sure that her soon to be ex husband can't claim it in the divorce. I have looked online for a free printable doent and can't find one. what would you suggest that it say or me do. I just want to cover myself and don't want her soon to be ex to possible try n take this also. Any help is appreciated.

What are the lyrics of the S.F. Giants 2010 NLCS Anthem?

The original song is "Club Can't Handle Me" by Flo Rida but I have been hearing a rewritten version of it all over the radio in the Bay Area. It mentions "AT&T is packed with fans" , "Lince is pitching a shut out" "Phillies can't even handle em right now" Anyone know the lyrics in their entirety?

How to talk to a summer hook up?

Ok so me and this guys hooked up over the summer and were talking and I stopped talking to him for a short period of time but he still wanted to keep in touch after the fact and now that school has started I want to talk to him I talked to him once in the hall but it was just about cles and it had a underlining flirtation in it but now we see each other in the hall make eye contact and smile but I don't know how to talk to him and i cant (nor would i) avoid him cause we have to cross paths to get to our cles I know for a fact that he would talk to me but i think he's getting the wrong message from me which is causing him not to peruse a conversation so someone help me please

How would you describe the following emotions?

1. Confusion. 2. Depression. 3. Anxiety. 4. Happy. 5. Afraid. 6. Tired. 7. Envy. 8. Guilty. 9. In love. 10. Desperation. I thought it would be nice to compare ideas of how we all describe said emotions in our own pieces of writing.

What is the civilian body count, in the Iraq war, caused directly by the US?

There is no way to accurately count those who died "directly" at the hands of the U.S. military. There will undoubtedly be those who will throw out the half million to one million number, but that's simply made up. The highest estimate of total deaths by reputable organizations is 100,000. Most are lower. Some are much lower. But that includes all deaths, including the insurgents and those killed by the insurgents. Those who throw out the big numbers seem to forget those killed by the dozen by car bombs and road side bombs and indiscriminate insurgent fire.

In the Keynesian model, fluctuations in aggregate spending cause:

wow it's been a while since I took Econ 101. I'd say A and C (second one I'm not as certain, but I could be wrong on both)

Painfull lump under arm?

I have had a lump under my arm for the past week now. I was going to schedule a dr's appt but then it started to go down...well now its the size of a golf ball and not only that but Im feeling sick (not sure if its related). I've been running a low grade fever for 2 days now and my throat feels like I swallowed a handful on sand. I have tried self treating, I've punctured it, lubed it up with meds, and washed it with peroxide I am a single mother of 3 so my finances are beyond tight right now (too tight for the dr)...anyone have any advice other then the obvious?

Is our malaysian marriage (ROM in Malaysia) being recognized by USA?

Am a Malaysia,future husband in US Citizen. We plan to live in Malaysia after marriage for at least few years, then maybe returning to USA. He can definitely keeps his US citizenship.

Vocabulary Finals tomorrow?

I have to memorize 200 vocabulary words and their synonyms. It's 7:30 pm right now so if i start right now, do you think i could memorize all 200 before 4 am? I'm going to be doing a little all nighter so should I go and buy some redbull?

If i buy this computer case.....?

You can use anything. The case will include extra cabling if you want to use 2 video cards instead of just 1etc.

I need a good pen name, help?

Im thinking about using a pen name, but maybe with my initials (MRH) and also using my name on Y!A (atl) they dont all have to include both

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Troubles running?

Okay i'm in athletics, usually we run a mile ( pretty easy) but i have trouble? When i'm running i always get out of breath and it hurts to inhale. My face gets red easy and when i am done running it is REALLY red. Idk what it is though no other girl has these problems but me. I get tired and i'm gasping for air. I am not fat really i weigh 130 but i don't know what the problem is. Anyone had this type of problem? I don't think its the weather, something worse.

I am so SCARED, is an earthquake gonna strike here in AMERICA?

I was watching TV an a commercial form the gov. showed up it was a house with people and stuff falling and at the end it said build a kit. P.S. I live in Las Vegas and since everything is built on sand I think everything is gonna sink. My teacher told me that our high school is on top of a earth quake line.

How is this excerpt.....? Boy finds himself in an underwater world?

Haha, this was fun to read. It's a good excerpt and it samples a lot of different aspects of the underwater world. I think you should keep writing the story and developing your plot and characters. Good job and good luck!

Should black politicians get automatic free votes (affirmative action)?

You mean to counterbalance the sizable amount of people who won't vote for them for no other reason than they are black?

Quick MCR fans................?

Sorry for the shouting. Ok I found the hardest (maybe for some of you) question I could find. Ten points for whoever gets it. The name " My Chemical Romance" was inspired by a book written by which author?

Marine Corps Reserves to Active Duty in another branch?

I want to join the US Marine Corps Reserve while in school (school to become a Paramedic.....always wanted to become a Marine) and then join either the US Army and get into Special Forces as a Medic or join the US Navy as a PJ (I know neither is easy).

A lil' help on MSN - SN??

I started MSN about 2 weeks ago, so I'm quite new to MSN. All my friends say "sn", but what is this "sn"??? when I played a song called "After Love", one of my friends came up saying "AFTER LOVE!!!! I LOVE THAT SONG~~~ its my sn!!!", and another friend says "U dont rly spend much time on sn, do u?" I REALLY DONT GET WHAT THIS SN MEANS, SO COULD YOU PLEASE HELP!

Do you believe hamburgers should have the same Warning of death signs that cigarette packets have?

hamburgers, in moderation, as part of a balanced diet, do not cause serious harm and are not addictive..........



What is the name and artist of this song?

It is an older song. Some of the lyrics are like " their will be peace when you are done. lay your weary head to rest. don't you cry no more" its kinda like a journey soundish song? Please and thank you!

Is this irony?

The biggest issue for Republicans is "Islamofacism" and terrorism; while for the Democrats one of the biggest issues is Global Warming. Is it ironic that both "problems" would be dramatically improved by energy independence? I mean, removing ourselves from the Middle East would reduce our effect of radicalizing Muslims and significantly cut down on our national carbon footprint. Is this irony?

Which dvd collection should i buy?

godfather - because its such a clic. and a freaking good movie (well the first two). i dont know why you are comparing it to omen, mummy, ... actually. do you even have to ask?? Its a no brainer. kind of insulting even mentioning or grouping them with the other movies..

Geography question on volcanos?

Explain why countries are different when it comes to predicting and preparing for volcanic eruptions.

Women who have been through labor... please give me your opinion!?

I am almost 38 weeks pregnant and went to the dr's this morning because I was having period like cramps. I have been having them on and off for the past two days but this morning they got more intense so I went in just to be safe. They checked me and told me I am 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. They hooked me up to a monitor to see if I was contracting and they said it didn't look like it and to come back if the pain gets worse. The cramping has continued all day and since the exam, I've had tons of clear discharge. Also, I have lots of pressure in my backside when I sit down. Does it sound like I could go into labor soon? Or am I wishful thinking? Please tell me your experiences... and if anyone was dilated and effaced this much, how long was it until you actually went into labor? Thanks in advance!!

Intramuscular self injecting of B12, please help.?

You need about 2" for IM. You can also inject your thigh. Find a local nurse who can tell you all you need to know. They are better with injections than most doctors.

U.s. mail contractors .Does anyone know how i can contact logistics?in

u use to haul mail for 20 years in atlanta ga. was called a star route driver. does anyone know how i can contact someone in logistics at the main post office in atlanta ga? to place a bid , if they still do that. its been a long time since i was involved with the mail.

Do i have a hard punch for my age?

Dude, Joe Frazier who weighed like twice what you do hit with something like 1600 PSI, so yes, you have a VERY hard punch, for anyone at your weight much less your age.

What's a deeper issue I should know about University? (please read details)?

Campus security...How many officers are employed...How often do they patrol...Are the emergency call boxes easy to locate...What is the response time to an emergency call...

Brake lights stay on when vehicle is off, no one touching brake? Hazards stay on...?

My brakes in my 1996 Chevy Astro van stay on when no one is even in the vehicle, no light switches are on. And on the column, when i push down on the hazard switch, it makes a buzzing sound like when u switch the key from off to accessory. and now one of my turn signals dont work and the hazards are staying on, not flashing. like on the dash the turn signals are just lit up, not flashing.

Torres Back for Derby?

Anybody know if Torres is back for the derby? Or if Saha and Rodwell will most likely be playing? thanks!

Is it hard for a Indian to get a Australian tourist visa?

My friend who's Indian wants to come to Australia for few days on a tourist visa he's a been to Australia before on a study visa other than that he's been to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Macau and mauritius and his father covers all his financial expenses but he doesn't have a job back in India neither has any property in his name but then again he's been to Australia before and to some other places too without any overstay so the only positive he has is that his family has a big business in India so doesn't signify that he will return to his country.

Fox News Complicates Evolution?

Fox News has proven that evolution is impossible since Fox is run by Neanderthals. Or they must be checking their brain out at the door. They are a circus act, they look and act stupid to entertain a shrinking group of people. Their racists remarks prove that monkies can indeed run a news station. They have singlehandedly proven that evolution is impossible since a small remnant of chimpanzees are defying the process successfully. Fox News there is no room for ignorant news reporting for us, since we are an intelligent species. I'm officially disgusted with such unprofessional conduct! I'll start tuning in again when you start acting like civilized human beings-- a republican who has definately seen the light. Anyone else care to join the 600,000 signers who petitioned that Fox News would stop their ignorant and racist reporting. I may upset some people...ask me if I care. Did Fox "News"?