Sunday, August 7, 2011

Women who have been through labor... please give me your opinion!?

I am almost 38 weeks pregnant and went to the dr's this morning because I was having period like cramps. I have been having them on and off for the past two days but this morning they got more intense so I went in just to be safe. They checked me and told me I am 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. They hooked me up to a monitor to see if I was contracting and they said it didn't look like it and to come back if the pain gets worse. The cramping has continued all day and since the exam, I've had tons of clear discharge. Also, I have lots of pressure in my backside when I sit down. Does it sound like I could go into labor soon? Or am I wishful thinking? Please tell me your experiences... and if anyone was dilated and effaced this much, how long was it until you actually went into labor? Thanks in advance!!

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