Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I let her in.. now she doesnt want to leave?

A week ago, my friend came crying on my doorstep. She had just left her abusive relationship in which she was living with a boyfriend. Well, she is crying and tells me that she has no where else to go. I tell her that she can stay at my house until she gets on her feet. (She has no money saved, no family or other friends that she can go to). WEll she has made herself very at home and I already tried to tell her, this is not permanent and I just want to help you out while you save and get on your own feet. WEll the day I told her that~ she got upset. She thought that she could just live with me forever. She is a good friend of mine but I already feel taken advantage of~ she is always around and wanting to borrow my clothes and other things. I have asked that she try to conserve (MY) energy and she is very wasteful. Anyway, I just want to be nice but tell her that she has to a certain day to GET OUT! I want my space back! Oh and I am also very annoyed that she has not made any effort to go find a job! Seriosly~ Im not a freaking homeless shelter, nor do I have $$$ to support her!

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