Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fox News Complicates Evolution?

Fox News has proven that evolution is impossible since Fox is run by Neanderthals. Or they must be checking their brain out at the door. They are a circus act, they look and act stupid to entertain a shrinking group of people. Their racists remarks prove that monkies can indeed run a news station. They have singlehandedly proven that evolution is impossible since a small remnant of chimpanzees are defying the process successfully. Fox News there is no room for ignorant news reporting for us, since we are an intelligent species. I'm officially disgusted with such unprofessional conduct! I'll start tuning in again when you start acting like civilized human beings-- a republican who has definately seen the light. Anyone else care to join the 600,000 signers who petitioned that Fox News would stop their ignorant and racist reporting. I may upset some people...ask me if I care. Did Fox "News"?

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